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  • Order Out of Chaos: Patterns of Organization for Writing on the Job

    A few years ago, a former boss of mine emailed me out of the blue and asked for a resource that would help him and his colleagues organize information more effectively. Like a dutiful friend, I sent him links to a few articles and the names of some professional writing books. And I qualified my answer with that dreaded disclaimer: “Advice varies widely depending on the situation.” Implication: “You’ll just have to figure out what works best for you. So, good luck!”

    In retrospect, I could have given him a better answer. Much like the gestalt principles of design that underpin so much of what designers do, there are foundational principles and patterns of organization that are relevant to any professional who must convey technical information in writing, and you can adapt these concepts to bring order out of chaos whether or not you’re a full-time writer.

    Recognize the primary goals: comprehension and performance

    Not long after I wrote my response, I revisited a book I’d read in college: Technical Editing, by Carolyn D. Rude. In my role as a technical writer, I reference the book every now and then for practical advice on revising software documentation. This time, as I reviewed the chapter on organization, I realized that Rude explained the high-level goals and principles better than any other author I’d read up to that point.

    In short, she says that whether you are outlining a procedure, describing a product, or announcing a cool new feature, a huge amount of writing in the workplace is aimed at comprehension (here’s what X is and why you should care) and performance (here’s how to do X). She then suggests that editors choose from two broad kinds of order to support these goals: content-based order and task-based order. The first refers to structures that guide readers from major sections to more detailed sections to facilitate top-down learning; the second refers to structures of actions that readers need to carry out. Content-based orders typically start with nouns, whereas task-based orders typically begin with verbs.

    Content-Based Order Example

    Product Overview

    • Introduction
    • Features
      • Feature 1
      • Feature 2
      • Feature n
    • Contact
    • Support

    Task-Based Order Example

    User Guide (WordPress)

    • Update your title and tagline
    • Pick a theme you love
    • Add a header or background
    • Add a site icon
    • Add a widget

    Of course, not all writing situations fall neatly into these buckets. If you were to visit Atlassian’s online help content, you would see a hybrid of content-based topics at the first level and task-based topics within them. The point is that as you begin to think about your organization, you should ask yourself:

    • Which of the major goals of organization (comprehension or performance) am I trying to achieve?
    • And which broad kind of order will help me best achieve those goals?

    This is still pretty abstract, so let’s consider the other principles from Carolyn Rude, but with a focus on how a writer rather than an editor should approach the task of organization.1

    Steal like an organizer: follow pre-established document structures

    In his book Steal Like an Artist, Austin Kleon argues that smart artists don’t actually create anything new but rather collect inspiring ideas from specific role models, and produce work that is profoundly shaped by them.

    “If we’re free from the burden of trying to be completely original,” he writes, “we can stop trying to make something out of nothing, and we can embrace influence instead of running away from it.”

    The same principle applies to the art of organization. To “steal like an organizer” means to look at what other people have written and to identify and follow pre-established structures that may apply to your situation. Doing so not only saves time and effort but also forces you to remember that your audience may already expect a particular pattern—and experience cognitive dissonance if they don’t get it.

    You are probably familiar with more pre-established structures than you think. News reports follow the inverted pyramid. Research reports often adhere to some form of the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion). Instruction manuals typically have an introductory section followed by tasks grouped according to the typical sequence a user would need to follow. Even troubleshooting articles tend to have a standard structure of Problem, Cause, and Solution.

    All this may sound like common sense, and yet many writers entirely skip this process of adapting pre-made structures. I can understand the impulse. When you face a blank screen, it feels simpler to capture the raw notes and organize it all later. That approach can certainly help you get into the flow, but it may also result in an ad hoc structure that fails to serve readers who are less familiar with your material.

    Instead, when you begin the writing process, start by researching available templates or pre-made structures that could support your situation. Standard word processors and content management systems already contain some good templates, and it’s easy to search for others online. Your fellow writers and designers are also good resources. If you’re contributing to a series of documents at your organization, you should get familiar with the structure of that series and learn how to work within it. Or you can do some benchmarking and steal some ideas from how other companies structure similar content.

    My team once had to do our own stealing for a major project that affected about half our company. We needed to come up with a repeatable structure for standard operating procedures (SOPs) that any employee could use to document a set of tasks. Knowing SOPs to be a well-established genre, we found several recommended structures online and in books, and came up with a list of common elements. We then decided which ones to steal and arranged them into a sequence that best suited our audience. We made out like bandits.

    Structural SOP Elements We Found Our Assessment
    Overview Steal
    Roles Involved Steal
    Dependencies Steal
    Estimated Level of Effort Nah, too hard to calculate and maintain.
    Process Diagram Meh, kind of redundant, not to mention a lot of work. No thanks.
    Tasks Steal
    Task n Steal
    Task n Introduction Steal
    Task n Responsibility Steal
    Task n Steps Steal
    See Also Steal

    But what if there is no pre-established pattern? Or what if a pattern exists, but it’s either too simple or too complex for what you’re trying to accomplish? Or what if it’s not as user-friendly as you would like?

    There may indeed be cases where you need to develop a mostly customized structure, which can be daunting. But fear not! That’s where the other principles of organization come in.

    Anticipate your readers’ questions (and maybe even talk to them)

    Recently I had an extremely frustrating user experience. While consulting some documentation to learn about a new process, I encountered a series of web pages that gave no introduction and dove straight into undefined jargon and acronyms that I had never heard of. When I visited related pages to get more context, I found the same problem. There was no background information for a newbie like me. The writers failed in this case to anticipate my questions and instead assumed a great deal of prior knowledge.

    Don’t make this mistake when you design your structure. Like a journalist, you need to answer the who, what, where, when, how, and why of your content, and then incorporate the answers in your structure. Anticipate common questions, such as “What is this? Where do I start? What must I know? What must I do?” This sort of critical reflection is all the more important when organizing web content, because users will almost certainly enter and exit your pages in nonlinear, unpredictable ways.

    If possible, you should also meet with your readers, and gather information about what would best serve them. One simple technique you could try is to create a knowledge map, an annotated matrix of sorts that my team once built after asking various teams about their information priorities. On the left axis, we listed categories of information that we thought each team needed. Along the top axis, we listed a column for each team. We then gave team representatives a chance to rank each category and add custom categories we hadn’t included. (You can learn more about the process we followed in this video presentation.)

    A screenshot of a knowledge map my team created after asking other teams which categories of information were most important to them.
    A knowledge map my team created after asking other teams which categories of information were most important to them.

    The weakness of this approach is that it doesn’t reveal information that your audience doesn’t know how to articulate. To fill in this gap, I recommend running a few informal usability tests. But if you don’t have the time for that, building a knowledge map is better than not meeting with your readers at all, because it will help you discover structural ideas you hadn’t considered. Our knowledge map revealed multiple categories that were required across almost all teams—which, in turn, suggested a particular hierarchy and sequence to weave into our design.

    Go from general to specific, familiar to new

    People tend to learn and digest information best by going from general to specific, and familiar to new. By remembering this principle, which is articulated in the schema theory of learning, you can better conceptualize the structure you’re building. What are the foundational concepts of your content? They should appear in your introductory sections. What are the umbrella categories under which more detailed categories fall? The answer should determine which headings belong at the top and subordinate levels of your hierarchy. What you want to avoid is presenting new ideas that don’t flow logically from the foundational concepts and expectations that your readers bring to the table.

    Consider the wikiHow article “How to Create a Dungeons and Dragons Character.” It begins by defining what Dungeons and Dragons is and explaining why you need to create a character before you can start playing the game.

    A screenshot of Part 1 of the wikiHow article “How to Create a Dungeons and Dragons Character,” which helps readers learn by starting with general concepts before moving on to specifics.
    Writers at wikiHow help readers learn by starting with general concepts before moving on to specifics.

    The next section, “Part 1: Establishing the Basics,” guides the reader into subsequent foundational steps, such as deciding which version of the game to follow and printing out a character sheet. Later sections (“Selecting a gender and race,” “Choosing a class,” and “Calculating ability scores”) expand on these concepts to introduce more specific, unfamiliar ideas in an incremental fashion, leading readers up a gentle ramp into new territory.

    Use conventional patterns to match structure to meaning

    Within the general-to-specific/familiar-to-new framework, you can apply additional patterns of organization that virtually all humans understand. Whereas the pre-established document structures above are usually constructed for particular use cases or genres, other conventional patterns match more general mental models (or “schemas,” as the schema theory so elegantly puts it) that we use to make sense of the world. These patterns include chronological, spatial, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, and order of importance.


    The chronological pattern reveals time or sequence. It’s appropriate for things like instructions, process flows, progress reports, and checklists. In the case of instructions, the order of tasks on a page often implies (or explicitly states) the “proper” or most common sequence for a user to follow. The wikiHow article above, for example, offers a recommended sequence of tasks for beginner players. In the case of progress reports, the sections may be ordered according to the periods of time in which work was done, as in this sample outline from the book Reporting Technical Information, by Kenneth W. Houp et al.:


    • Introduction
    • Summary of work completed


    • Work completed
      • Period 1 (beginning and end dates)
        • Description
        • Cost
      • Period 2 (beginning and end dates)

        • Description
        • Cost
    • Work remaining

      • Period 3 (or remaining periods)
        • Description of work to be done
        • Expected cost


    • Evaluation of work in this period
    • Conclusions and recommendations

    The principles of organization listed in this article are in fact another example of the chronological pattern. As Carolyn Rude points out in her book, the principles are arranged as a sort of methodology to follow. Try starting at the top of the list and work your way down. You may find it to be a useful way to produce order out of the chaos before you.


    The spatial pattern refers to top-to-bottom, left-to-right structures of organization. This is a good pattern if you need to describe the components of an interface or a physical object.

    Take a look at the neighbor comparison graph below, which is derived from a sample energy efficiency solution offered by Oracle Utilities. Customers who see this graph would most likely view it from top to bottom and left to right.

    A neighbor comparison graph that shows a customer how they compare with their neighbors in terms of energy efficiency.
    A neighbor comparison graph that shows a customer how they compare with their neighbors in terms of energy efficiency.

    A detailed description of this feature would then describe each component in that same order. Here’s a sample outline:

    • Feature name
      • Title
      • Bar chart
        • Efficient neighbors
        • You
        • Average neighbors
      • Date range
      • Performance insight

        • Great
        • Good
        • Using more than average
      • Energy use insight
      • Comparison details (“You’re compared with 10 homes within 6 miles …”)


    The comparison-contrast pattern helps users weigh options. It’s useful when reporting the pros and cons of different decisions or comparing the attributes of two or more products or features. You see it often when you shop online and need to compare features and prices. It’s also a common pattern for feasibility studies or investigations that list options along with upsides and downsides.


    The cause-effect pattern shows relationships between actions and reactions. Writers often use it for things like troubleshooting articles, medical diagnoses, retrospectives, and root cause analyses. You can move from effect to cause, or cause to effect, but you should stick to one direction and use it consistently. For example, the cold and flu pages at Drugs.com follow a standard cause-effect pattern that incorporates logical follow-up sections such as “Prevention” and “Treatment”:

    • What Is It? (This section defines the illness and describes possible “causes.”)
    • Symptoms (This section goes into the “effects” of the illness.)
    • Diagnosis
    • Expected Duration
    • Prevention
    • Treatment
    • When to Call a Professional
    • Prognosis

    For another example, see the “Use parallel structure for parallel sections” section below, which shows what a software troubleshooting article might look like.

    Order of importance

    The order of importance pattern organizes sections and subsections of content according to priority or significance. It is common in announcements, marketing brochures, release notes, advice articles, and FAQs.

    The order of importance pattern is perhaps the trickiest one to get right. As Carolyn Rude says, it’s not always clear what the most important information is. What should come in the beginning, middle, and end? Who decides? The answers will vary according to the author, audience, and purpose.

    When writing release notes, for example, my team often debates which software update should come first, because we know that the decision will underscore the significance of that update relative to the others. FAQs by definition are focused on which questions are most common and thus most important, but the exact order will depend on what you perceive as being the most frequent or the most important for readers to know. (If you are considering writing FAQs, I recommend this great advice from technical writer Lisa Wright.)

    Other common patterns

    Alphabetical order is a common pattern that Rude doesn’t mention in detail but that you may find helpful for your situation. To use this pattern, you would simply list sections or headings based on the first letter of the first word of the heading. For example, alphabetical order is used frequently to list API methods in API documentation sites such as those for Flickr, Twitter, and Java. It is also common in glossaries, indexes, and encyclopedic reference materials where each entry is more or less given equal footing. The downside of this pattern is that the most important information for your audience may not appear in a prominent, findable location. Still, it is useful if you have a large and diverse set of content that defies simple hierarchies and is referenced in a non-linear, piecemeal fashion.

    Group related material

    Take a look at the lists below. Which do you find easier to scan and digest?

    1. Settle on a version of D&D.
    2. Print a character sheet, if desired.
    3. Select a gender and race.
    4. Choose a class.
    5. Name your character.
    6. Identify the main attributes of your character.
    7. Roll for ability scores.
    8. Assign the six recorded numbers to the six main attributes.
    9. Use the “Point Buy” system, alternatively.
    10. Generate random ability scores online.
    11. Record the modifier for each ability.
    12. Select skills for your character.
    13. List your character’s feats.
    14. Roll for your starting gold.
    15. Equip your character with items.
    16. Fill in armor class and combat bonuses.
    17. Paint a picture of your character.
    18. Determine the alignment of your character.
    19. Play your character in a campaign.

    Part 1: Establishing the Basics

    1. Settle on a version of D&D.
    2. Print a character sheet, if desired.
    3. Select a gender and race.
    4. Choose a class.
    5. Name your character.

    Part 2: Calculating Ability Scores

    1. Identify the main attributes of your character.
    2. Roll for ability scores.
    3. Assign the six recorded numbers to the six main attributes.
    4. Use the “Point Buy” system, alternatively.
    5. Generate random ability scores online.
    6. Record the modifier for each ability.

    Part 3: Equipping Skills, Feats, Weapons, and Armor

    1. Select skills for your character.
    2. List your character’s feats.
    3. Roll for your starting gold.
    4. Equip your character with items.
    5. Fill in armor class and combat bonuses.

    Part 4: Finishing Your Character

    1. Paint a picture of your character.
    2. Determine the alignment of your character.
    3. Play your character in a campaign.

    (Source: wikiHow: How to Create a Dungeons and Dragons Character.)

    If you chose the second list, that is probably because the writers relied on a widely used organizational technique: grouping.

    Grouping is the process of identifying meaningful categories of information and putting information within those categories to aid reader comprehension. Grouping is especially helpful when you have a long, seemingly random list of information that could benefit from an extra layer of logical order. An added benefit of grouping is that it may reveal where you have gaps in your content or where you have mingled types of content that don’t really belong together.

    To group information effectively, first analyze your content and identify the discrete chunks of information you need to convey. Then tease out which chunks fall within similar conceptual buckets, and determine what intuitive headings or labels you can assign to those buckets. Writers do this when creating major and minor sections within a book or printed document. For online content, grouping is typically done at the level of articles or topics within a web-based system, such as a wiki or knowledge base. The Gmail Help Center, for example, groups topics within categories like “Popular articles,” “Read & organize emails,” and “Send emails.”

    It’s possible to go overboard here. Too many headings in a short document or too many topics in a small help system can add unnecessary complexity. I once faced the latter scenario when I reviewed a help system written by one of my colleagues. At least five of the topics were so short that it made more sense to merge them together on a single page rather than forcing the end user to click through to separate pages. I’ve also encountered plenty of documents that contain major section headings with only one or two sentences under them. Sometimes this is fine; you may need to keep those sections for the sake of consistency. But it’s worth assessing whether such sections can simply be merged together (or conversely, whether they should be expanded to include more details).

    Because of scenarios like these, Carolyn Rude recommends keeping the number of groupings to around seven, give or take a few—though, as always, striking the right balance ultimately depends on your audience and purpose, as well as the amount of information you have to manage.

    Use parallel structure for parallel sections

    One of the reasons Julius Caesar’s phrase “I came, I saw, I conquered” still sticks in our memory after thousands of years is the simple fact of parallelism. Each part of the saying follows a distinct, repetitive grammatical form that is easy to recall.

    Parallelism works in a similar manner with organization. By using a consistent and repetitive structure across types of information that fit in the same category, you make it easier for your readers to navigate and digest your content.

    Imagine you’re writing a troubleshooting guide in which all the topics follow the same basic breakdown: Problem Title, Problem, Cause, Solution, and See Also. In this case, you should make sure that each topic includes those same headings, in the exact same hierarchy and sequence, and using the exact same style and formatting. This kind of parallelism delivers a symmetry that reduces the reader’s cognitive load and clarifies the relationships of each part of your content. Deviations from the pattern not only cause confusion but can undermine the credibility of the content.

    Do This

    ABC Troubleshooting Guide

    • Introduction
    • Problem 1 Title
      • Problem
      • Cause
      • Solution
      • See Also
    • Problem 2 Title

      • Problem
      • Cause
      • Solution
      • See Also
    • Problem 3 Title

      • ...

    Don’t Do This

    ABC Troubleshooting Guide

    • Introduction
    • Problem 1 Title
      • Problem
      • Root causes
      • How to Fix it
      • Advanced Tips and tricks
      • Related
    • Problem 2 title

      • Issue
      • Steps to Fix
      • Why did this happen, and how can I avoid it next time?
      • See also
    • Problem 3 title

      • ...

    This last principle is probably the easiest to grasp but may be the most difficult to enforce, especially if you are managing contributions from multiple authors. Templates and style guides are useful here because they invite authors to provide standard inputs, but you will still need to watch the content like a hawk to squash the inconsistencies that inevitably emerge.


    In one sense, my response to my former boss was accurate. Given the endless variety of writing situations, there is no such thing as a single organization solution. But saying that “advice varies widely depending on the situation” doesn’t tell the whole story. There are flexible patterns and principles that can guide you in finding, customizing, and creating structures for your goals.

    The key thing to remember is that structure affects meaning. The sequence of information, the categories you use, the emphasis you imply through your hierarchy—all of these decisions impact how well your audience understands what you write. Your ideal structure should therefore reinforce what you mean to say.


    • 1. The principles in this article are based on the same ones that Carolyn Rude outlines in chapter 17, pp. 289–296, of the third edition of her book. I highly recommend it for anyone who’s interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of editing. The book is now in its fifth edition and includes an additional author, Angela Eaton. See Technical Editing (Fifth Edition) for details. The examples and illustrations used in this article are derived from a variety of other sources, including my own work.

  • Your Emails (and Recipients) Deserve Better Context

    Email communication is an integral part of the user experience for nearly every web application that requires a login. It’s also one of the first interactions the user has after signing up. Yet too often both the content and context of these emails is treated as an afterthought (at best), with the critical parts that users see first—sender name and email, subject, and preheader—largely overlooked. Your users, and the great application you’ve just launched, deserve better.

    A focus on recipient experience

    Designing and implementing a great email recipient experience is difficult. And by the time it comes to the all-important context elements (name, subject, and so on), it’s commonly left up to the developer to simply fill something in and move on. That’s a shame, because these elements play an outsized role in the email experience, being not only the first elements seen but also the bits recipients use to identify emails when searching through their archives. Given the frequency with which they touch users, it really is time we started spending a little more effort to fine-tune them.

    The great news is that despite the constraints imposed on these elements, they’re relatively easy to improve, and they can have a huge impact on engagement, open rates, and recipient satisfaction. When they all work together, sender name and email, subject, and preheader provide a better experience for your recipients.

    So whether you’re a developer stuck fixing such oversights and winging it, or on the design or marketing team responsible for making the decisions, use the following guide to improve your recipient’s experience. And, if possible, bring it up with your whole team so it’s always a specific requirement in the future.

    Details that matter

    As they say, the devil is in the details, and these details matter. Let’s start with a quick example that highlights a few common mistakes.

    In the image below, the sender is unnecessarily repeated within the subject, wasting key initial subject characters, while the subjects themselves are all exactly the same. This makes it difficult to tell one email from the next, and the preview content doesn’t help much either since the only unique information it provides is the date (which is redundant alongside the email’s time stamp). The subject copy could be more concise as well—“Payment Successfully Processed” is helpful, but it’s a bit verbose.

    Screenshot of five nearly-identical emails sitting in an emailbox
    Avoid redundancy and make your sender name, subject, and preheaders work together. Periscope repeats the sender name, and doesn’t provide unique or relevant information in the subject or preheader.

    Outside of the sender and the dates on the emails, there’s not much useful information until you open the email itself. Fortunately, none of these things are particularly difficult to fix. Weather Underground provides a great example of carefully crafted emails. The subject conveys the most useful information without even requiring the recipient to open the email. In addition, their strategic use of emojis helps complement that information with a very rich, yet judicious, use of subject-line space.

    Screenshot of an emails the information the user is looking for in the preview
    Weather Underground does a great job with the sender and even front-loads the subject with the most valuable bit of information. The date is included, but it’s at the end of the subject.

    Weather Underground also makes use of Gmail Inbox Actions to provide a direct link to the key information online without needing a recipient to open the email to follow a link. Gmail Inbox Actions require some extra work to set up and only work in Gmail, but they can be great if you’re sending high volumes of email.

    Both scenarios involve recurring emails with similar content from one to the next, but the difference is stark. With just a little effort and fine-tuning, the resulting emails are much more useful to the recipients. Let’s explore how this is done.

    Emphasizing unique content for recurring emails

    With the earlier examples, both organizations are sending recurring emails, but by focusing on unique subject lines, Weather Underground’s emails are much more helpful. Recurring emails like invoices may not contain the most glamorous content, but you still have an opportunity to make each one unique and informative.

    Screenshot of two invoice emails with the same subject line: 'You've got a new invoice'
    Instead of a generic “You have a new invoice” notification, you can surface important or unique information like the invoice total, the most expensive products or services, or the due date.

    By surfacing the most important or unique information from the content of the email, there’s additional context to help the recipient know whether they need to act or not. It also makes it easier to find a specific invoice when searching through emails in the future.

    Clarifying the sender

    Who (or what) is sending this email? Is it a person? Is it automated? Do I want to hear from them? Do I trust them? Is this spam? These questions and more automatically run through our heads whenever we see an email, and the sender information provides the first clue when we start processing our inbox. Just as for caller ID on incoming phone calls, recognition and trust both play a role. As Joanna Wiebe said in an interview with Litmus, “If the from name doesn’t sound like it’s from someone you want to hear from, it doesn’t matter what the subject line is.” This can be even more critical on mobile devices where the sender name is the most prominent element.

    The first and most important step is to explicitly specify a name. You don’t want the recipient’s email client choosing what to display based on the email address alone. For instance, if you send emails from “alerts@example.com” (with no name specified), some clients will display “alerts” as the name, and others will display “alerts@example.com.” With the latter, it just feels rough around the edges. In either case, the experience is less than ideal for the sender.

    Screenshot of an email with an email address instead of a name
    Without a name specified, email clients may use the username portion of an email address or truncate longer email addresses, making the name portion incomplete or less helpful to recipients.

    The technical implementation may vary depending on your stack, but at the simplest level, correct implementation is all in the string formatting. Let’s look at “Jane Doe ” as an example. “Jane Doe” is the name, and the email is included after the name and surrounded by angle brackets. It’s a small technical detail, but it makes a world of difference to recipients.

    But what name should we show? This depends on the type of email, so you’ll want to consider the sender for each email independently. For example, with a receipt or invoice you may want to use “Acme Billing.” But with a comment notification, it may be more informative for recipients if you use the commenter’s name, such as “Jane Doe via AcmeApp.” Depending on the context, you could use “with” or “from” as well, but those have an extra character, so I’ve found “via” to be the shortest and most semantically accurate option.

    Similarly, if your business entity or organization name is different from your product name, you should use the name that will be most familiar to your recipients.

    Screenshot of an email Corporate Holdings, Inc.
    Recipients aren’t always familiar with the names of corporate holding companies, so make sure to use the company or product name that will be most familiar to the recipient.
    Screenshot of a corporate email from Jane Doe
    In the above cases, while “Jane Doe” may have made the comment, the email isn’t directly from her, so it’s best to add something lik “via Acme Todos” to make it clear that it was sent on Jane’s behalf. In the case of “Support,” content doesn’t clarify which product it refers to. Since users could have a variety of emails from “Support” for different products, it fails to provide important context.

    Avoiding contact confusion

    In the case where you use someone’s name—like with the “Jane Doe via AcmeApp” example above—it’s important to add a reference to the app name. Since the email isn’t actually from Jane, it’s inaccurate to represent that it’s from Jane Doe directly. This can be confusing for users, but it can also create problems with address books. If you use just “Jane Doe,” your sending email address can be accidentally added to the recipient’s address book in association with Jane’s entry. Then, when they go to email Jane later, they may unwittingly send an email to “notifications@acme.com” instead of Jane. That could lead to some painful missed emails and miscommunication. The other reason is that it’s simply helpful for the recipient to know the source of the email. It’s not just from Jane, it’s from Jane via your application.

    You’ll also want to put yourself in your recipient’s shoes and carefully consider whether a name is recognizable to your recipient. For example, if your corporate entity name and product name aren’t the same, recipients will be much less likely to recognize the sender if you use the name of your corporate entity. So make sure to use the product name that will be most familiar to the recipient. Similarly, you’ll want to avoid using generic names that could be from any company. For example, use “Acme Billing” instead of just “Billing,” so the recipient can quickly and easily identify your product.

    Finally, while names are great, the underlying sending address can be just as important. In many ways, it’s the best attribute for recipients to use when filtering and organizing their inbox, and using unique email addresses or aliases for different categories of emails makes this much easier. There’s a fine line, but the simplest way to do this is to group emails into three categories: billing, support, and activity/actions. You may be able to use more, like notifications, alerts, or legal, but remember that the more you create, the more you’ll have to keep track of.

    Also, keep the use of subdomains to a minimum. By consistently only sending transactional email like password resets, receipts, order updates, and other similar emails from your primary domain, users learn to view any emails from other domains as suspicious. It may seem like a minor detail, but these bits of information add up to create important signals for recipients. It is worth noting, however, that you should use a different address, and ideally a separate subdomain, for your bulk marketing emails. This helps Gmail and other inbox providers understand the type of email coming from each source, which in turn helps ensure the domain reputation for your bulk marketing emails—which is traditionally lower—doesn’t affect delivery of your more critical transactional email.

    Subject line utility

    Now that recipients have clearly identifiable and recognizable sender information, it’s time to think about the subjects of your emails. Since we’ve focused on transactional emails in the examples used so far, we’ll similarly focus on the utility of your subject line content rather than the copywriting. You can always use copywriting to improve the subject, but with transactional emails, utility comes first.

    The team at MailChimp has studied data about subject lines extensively, and there are a few key things to know about subjects. First, the presence of even a single word can have a meaningful impact on open rates. A 2015 report by Adestra had similar findings. Words and phrases like “thank you,” “monthly,” and “thanks” see higher engagement than words like “subscription,” “industry,” and “report,” though different words will have different impacts depending on your industry, so you’ll still need to test and monitor the results. Personalization can also have an impact, but remember, personalization isn’t just about using a person’s name. It can be information like location, previous purchases, or other personal data. Just remember that it’s important to be tasteful, judicious, and relevant.

    The next major point from MailChimp is that subject line length doesn’t matter. Or, rather, it doesn’t matter directly. After studying 6 billion emails, they found “little or no correlation between performance and subject length.” That said, when line length is considered as one aspect of your overall subject content, it can be used to help an email stand out. Clarity and utility are more important than brevity, but when used as a component to support clarity and utility, brevity can help.

    One final point from the Adestra report is that open rates aren’t everything. Regardless of whether someone opens an email, the words and content of your subject line leaves an impression. So even if a certain change doesn’t affect your open rates, it can still have a far-reaching impact.

    Clearing out redundancy

    The most common mistake with subjects is including redundant information. If you’ve carefully chosen the sender name and email address, there’s no need to repeat the sender name in the subject, and the characters could be better applied to telling the recipient additional useful information. Dates are a bit of a gray area, but in many cases, the email’s time stamp can suffice for handling any time-based information. On the other hand, when the key dates don’t correlate to when the email was sent, it can be helpful to include the relevant date information in the subject.

    Screenshot of two emails where the subject line and preview repeat the name of the company (which is also in the To field)
    With these examples, after the sender, there’s no new or useful information displayed, and some form of the company name is repeated several times. Even the preheader is neglected leaving the email client to use alternate text from the logo.

    With the subject of your application emails, you’ll also want to front-load the most important content to prevent it from being cut off. For instance, instead of “Your Invoice for May 2018,” you could rewrite that as “May 2018 Invoice.” Since your sender is likely “Acme Billing,” the recipient already knows it’s about billing, so the month and year is the most important part of the subject. However, “May 2018 Invoice” is a bit terse, so you may want to add something at the end to make it more friendly.

    Next, in situations where time stamps are relevant, avoid relying on relative dates or times. Phrases like “yesterday,” “last week,” or “two hours ago” don’t age well with email since you never know when someone will receive or read it. Similarly, when someone goes to search their email archives, relative dates aren’t helpful. If you must use relative dates, look for opportunities to add explicit dates or time stamps to add clarity.

    With regularly occurring emails like reports or invoices, strive to give each message a unique subject. If every report has the subject “Your Monthly Status Report,” they can run together in a list of emails that all have the same subject. It can also make them more difficult to search later on. The same goes for invoices and receipts. Yes, invoice numbers and order numbers are technically unique, but they aren’t particularly helpful. Make sure to include useful content to help identify each email individually. Whether that’s the date, total value, listing the most expensive items, or all three, it’s easier on recipients when they can identify the contents of an email without having to open it. While open rates are central to measuring marketing emails, transactional emails are all about usefulness. So open rates aren’t as purely correlated with successful transactional emails.

    There’s a case to be made that in some contexts a great transactional email doesn’t need to be opened at all for it to be useful. The earlier Weather Underground example does an excellent job communicating the key information without requiring recipients to open it. And while the subject is the best place for key content, some useful content can also be displayed using a preheader.

    Making the most of preheaders

    If you’re not familiar with the preheader, you can think of it as a convenient name for the content at the beginning of an email. Campaign Monitor has a great write-up with in-depth advice on making the most of your preheaders. It’s simply a way of acknowledging and explicitly suggesting the text that email clients should show in the preview pane for an email. While there’s no formal specification for preheaders, and different email clients will handle them differently, they’re still widely displayed.

    Most importantly, well-written and useful preheaders of 40–50 characters have been shown to increase overall engagement, particularly if delivering a concise call to action. A study by Yes Lifecycle Marketing (signing up required) points out that preheader content is important, especially on mobile devices where subjects are truncated and it can act as a sort of extended subject.

    If the leading content in your email is a logo or other image, email clients will often use the alternate text for the image as the preview text. Since “Acme Logo” isn’t very helpful, it’s best to include a short summary of text at the beginning of your email. Sometimes this short summary text can interfere with the design of your email, so it’s not uncommon for the design to accommodate some visually muted—but still readable—text at the beginning. Or, as long as you’re judicious, in most cases you can safely hide preheader text entirely by using the display: none CSS declaration. Abusing this could get you caught in spam filters, but for the most part, inbox providers seem to focus on the content that is hidden rather than the fact that it’s hidden.

    Screenshots of two emails with useless information in the preview
    If you’re not explicitly specifying your preheader text, there’s a good chance email clients will use content that at best is less than useful and at worst makes a bad impression.

    If your email can be designed and written such that the first content encountered is the useful content for previews, then you’re all set. In the case of receipts, invoices, or activity summaries, that’s not always easy. In those cases, a short text-based summary of the content makes a good preheader.

    Context element interplay

    The rules outlined above are great guidelines, but remember that rules are there to be broken (well, sometimes …). As long as you understand the big picture, sender, subject, and preheader can still work together effectively even if some of those rules are bent. A bit. For example, if you ensure that you have relevant and unique content in your preheader for the preview, you may be able to get away with using the same subject for each recurring email. Alternatively, there may be cases where you need to repeat the sender name in the subject.

    The key is that when you’re crafting these elements, make sure you’re looking at how they work together. Sometimes a subject can be shortened by moving some content into the preheader. Alternatively, you may be able to use a more specific sender to reduce the need for a word or two in the subject. The application of these guidelines isn’t black and white. Simply being aware of the recipient’s experience is the most important factor when crafting the elements they’ll see in preview panes.

    Finally, a word on monitoring and testing

    Simple changes to the sender, subject, and preheader can significantly impact open rates and recipient experience. One critical thing to remember, however, is that while some of these improvements are guaranteed winners, monitoring and testing things like open rates and click rates is critical to validate any changes made. And since these elements can either play against each other or work together, it’s best to test combinations and view all three elements holistically.

    The value of getting this right really is in the details, and despite their tendency to be overlooked, taking the time to craft helpful and useful sender names and addresses, subject lines, and preheaders can drastically improve the experience for your email recipients. It’s a small investment that’s definitely worth your time.

  • Discovery on a Budget: Part III

    Sometimes we have the luxury of large budgets and deluxe research facilities, and sometimes we’ve got nothing but a research question and the determination to answer it. Throughout the “Discovery on a Budget” series we have discussed strategies for conducting discovery research with very few resources but lots of creativity. In part 1 we discussed the importance of a clearly defined problem hypothesis and started our affordable research with user interviews. Then, in part 2, we discussed competing hypotheses and “fake-door” A/B testing when you have little to no traffic. Today we’ll conclude the series by considering the pitfalls of the most tempting and seemingly affordable research method of all: surveys. We will also answer the question “when are you done with research and ready to build something?”

    A quick recap on Candor Network

    Throughout this series I’ve used a budget-conscious, and fictitious, startup called Candor Network as my example. Like most startups, Candor Network started simply as an idea:

    I bet end-users would be willing to pay directly for a really good social networking tool. But there are lots of big unknowns behind that idea. What exactly would “really good” mean? What are the critical features? And what would be the central motivation for users to try yet another social networking tool?

    To kick off my discovery research, I created a hypothesis based on my own personal experience: that a better social network tool would be one designed with mental health in mind. But after conducting a series of interviews, I realized that people might be more interested in a social network that focused on data privacy as opposed to mental health. I captured this insight in a second, competing hypothesis. Then I launched two corresponding “fake door” landing pages for Candor Network so I could A/B test both ideas.

    For the past couple of months I’ve run an A/B test between the two landing pages where half the traffic goes to version A and half to version B. In both versions there is a short, two-question survey. To start our discussion today, we will take a more in-depth look at this seemingly simple survey, and analyze the results of the A/B test.

    Surveys: Proceed with caution

    Surveys are probably the most used, but least useful, research tool. It is ever so tempting to say, “lets run a quick survey” when you find yourself wondering about customer desires or user behavior. Modern web-based tools have made surveys incredibly quick, cheap, and simple to run. But as anyone who has ever tried running a “quick survey” can attest, they rarely, if ever, provide the insight you are looking for.

    In the words of Erika Hall, surveys are “too easy.” They are too easy to create, too easy to disseminate, and too easy to tally. This inherent ease masks the survey’s biggest flaw as a research method: it is far, far too easy to create biased, useless survey questions. And when you run a survey littered with biased, useless questions, you either (1) realize that your results are not reliable and start all over again, or (2) proceed with the analysis and make decisions based on biased results. If you aren’t careful, a survey can be a complete waste of time, or worse, lead you in the wrong direction entirely.

    However, sometimes a survey is the only method at your immediate disposal. You might be targeting a user group that is difficult to reach through other convenience- or “guerilla”-style means (think of products that revolve around taboo or sensitive topics—it’s awfully hard to spring those conversations on random people you meet in a coffee shop!). Or you might work for a client that is reluctant to help locate research participants in any way beyond sending an email blast with a survey link. Whatever the case may be, there are times when a survey is the only step forward you can take. If you find yourself in that position, keep the following tips in mind.

    Tip 1: Try to stick to questions about facts, not opinions

    If you were building a website for ordering dog food and supplies, a question like “how many dogs do you own?” can provide key demographic information not available through standard analytics. It’s the sort of question that works great in a short survey. But if you need to ask “why did you decide to adopt a dog in the first place?” then you’re much better off with a user interview.

    If you try asking any kind of “why” question in a survey, you will usually end up with a lot of “I don’t know” and otherwise blank responses. This is because people are, in general, not willing to write an essay on why they’ve made a particular choice (such as choosing to adopt a dog) when they’re in the middle of doing something (like ordering pet food). However, when people schedule time for a phone call, they are more than willing to talk about the “whys” behind their decisions. In short, people like to talk about their opinions, but are generally too lazy or busy to write about their opinions. Save the why questions for later (and see Tip 5).

    Tip 2: Avoid asking about the future

    People live in the present, and only dream about the future. There are a lot of things outside of our control that affect what we will buy, eat, wear, and do in the future. Also, sometimes the future selves we imagine are more aspirational than factual. For example, if you were to ask a random group of people how many times they plan to go to the gym next month, you might be (not so) surprised to see that their prediction is significantly higher than the actual number. It is much better to ask “how many times did you go to the gym this week?” as an indicator of general gym attendance than to ask about any future plans.

    I asked a potentially problematic, future-looking question in the Candor Network landing page survey:

    How much would you be willing to pay, per year, for Candor Network?

    • Would not pay anything
    • $1
    • $5
    • $10
    • $15
    • $20
    • $25
    • $30
    • Would pay more

    In this question, I’m asking participants to think about how much money they would like to spend in the future on a product that doesn’t exist yet. This question is problematic for a number of reasons, but the main issue is that people, in general, don’t know how they really feel about pricing until the exact moment they are poised to make a purchase. Relying on this question to, say, develop my income projections for an investor pitch would be unwise to say the least. (I’ll discuss what I actually plan to do with the answers to this question in the next tip.)

    Tip 3: Know how you are going to analyze responses before you launch the survey

    A lot of times, people will create and send out a survey without thinking through what they are going to do with the results once they are in hand. Depending on the length and type of survey, the analysis could take a significant amount of time. Also, if you were hoping to answer some specific questions with the survey data, you’ll want to make sure you’ve thought through how you’ll arrive at those answers. I recommend that while you are drafting survey questions, you also simultaneously draft an analysis plan.

    In your analysis plan, think about what you are ultimately trying to learn from each survey question. How will you know when you’ve arrived at the answer? If you are doing an A/B test like I am, what statistical analysis should you run to see if there is a significant difference between the versions? You should also think about what the numbers will look like and what kinds of graphs or tables you will need to build. Ultimately, you should try to visualize what the data will look like before you gather it, and plan accordingly.

    For example, when I created the two survey questions on the Candor Network landing pages, I created a short analysis plan for each. Here is what those plans looked like:

    Analysis plan for question 1: “How much would you be willing to pay per year for Candor Network?”

    Each response will go into one of two buckets:

    • Bucket 1: said they would not pay any money;
    • and Bucket 2: said they might pay some money.

    Everyone who answered “Would not pay anything” goes in Bucket 1. Everyone else goes in Bucket 2. I will interpret every response that falls into Bucket 2 as an indicator of general interest (and I’m not going to put any value on the specific answer selected). To see whether any difference in response between landing page A and B is statistically significant (i.e., attributable to more than just chance), I will use a chi-square test. (Side note: There are a number of different statistical tests we could use in this scenario, but I like chi-square because of its simplicity. It is a test that’s easy for non-statisticians to run and understand, and it errs on the conservative side.)

    Analysis plan for question 2: “Would you like to be a beta tester or participate in future research?”

    The question only has two possible responses: “yes” and “no.” I will interpret every “yes” response as an indicator of general interest in the idea. Again, a chi-square test will show if there is a significant difference between the two landing pages.

    Tip 4: Never rely on a survey by itself to make important decisions

    Surveys are hard to get right, and even when they are well made, the results are often approximations of what you really want to measure. However, if you pair a survey with a series of user interviews or contextual inquiries, you will have a richer, more thorough set of data to analyze. In the social sciences, this is called triangulation. If you use multiple methods to triangulate and study the same phenomenon, you will get a richer, more complete picture. This leads me to my final tip …

    Tip 5: End every survey with an opportunity to participate in future research

    There have been many times in my career when I have launched surveys with only one objective in mind: to gather the contact information of potential study participants. In cases like these, the survey questions themselves are not entirely superfluous, but they are certainly secondary to the main research objective. Shortly after the survey results have been collected, I will select and email a few respondents, inviting them to participate in a user interview or usability study. If I planned on continuing Candor Network, this is absolutely what I would do.

    Finally, the results

    According to Google Optimize, there were a total of 402 sessions in my experiment. Of those sessions, 222 saw version A and 180 saw version B. Within the experiment, I tracked how often the “submit” button on the survey was clicked, and Google Optimize tells me “no clear leader was found” on that measure of engagement. Roughly an equal number of people from each condition submitted the survey.

    Here is a breakdown of the number of sessions and survey responses each condition received:

    Version A:
    better mental health
    Version B:
    privacy and data security
    Sessions 222 180 402
    Survey responses 76 68 144

    When we look at the actual answers to the survey questions, we start to get some more interesting results.

    Bucket 1:
    would not pay any money
    Bucket 2:
    might pay some money
    Version A 25 51
    Version B 14 54

    Breakdown of question 1, “How much would you be willing to pay per year for Candor Network?”

    Plugging these figures into my favorite chi-square calculator, I get the following values: chi-square = 2.7523, p = 0.097113. In general, bigger chi-square values indicate greater differences between the groups. And the p-value is less than 0.1, which suggests that the result is marginally significant (i.e., the result is probably not due to random chance). This gives me a modest indicator that respondents in group B, who saw the “data secure” version of the landing page, are more likely to fall into the “might pay some money” bucket.

    And when we look at the breakdown and chi-square calculation of question two, we see similar results.

    No Yes
    Version A 24 52
    Version B 13 55

    Breakdown of question 2, “Would you like to be a beta tester or participate in future research?”

    The chi-square = 2.9189, and p = .087545. Again, I have a modest indicator that respondents in group B are more likely to say yes to participating in future research. (If you’d like to learn more about how to run and interpret chi-square tests, the Interaction Design department at the University of California, San Diego has provided a great video tutorial.)

    How do we know when it’s time to move on?

    I wish I could provide you with a formula for calculating the exact moment when the research is done and it’s time to move on to prototyping, but I’m afraid no such formula exists. There is no definitive way to determine how much research is enough. Every round of research teaches you something new, but you are always left with more questions. As Albert Einstein said, “the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”

    However, with experience you come to recognize certain hallmarks that indicate it’s time to move on. Erika Hall, in her book Just Enough Research, described it as feeling a “satisfying click.” She says, “[O]ne way to know you’ve done enough research is to listen for the satisfying click. That’s the sound of the pieces falling into place when you have a clear idea of the problem you need to solve and enough information to start working on a solution.” (Just Enough Research, p. 36.)

    When it comes to building a product on a budget, you may also want to consider that research is relatively cheap compared to the cost of design and development. The rule I tend to follow is this: continue conducting discovery research until the questions you really want answered can only be answered by putting something in front of users. That is, wait to build something until you absolutely have to. Learn as much as you can about your target market and user base until the only way forward is to put some sketches on paper.

    With Candor Network, I’m not quite there yet. There is still plenty of runway to cover in the research cycle. Now that I know that data privacy is a more motivating reason to consider paying for a social networking tool, I need to work out what other features will be essential. In the next round of research, I could do think-aloud studies and ask participants to give me a tour of their Facebook and other social media pages. Or I could continue with more interviews, but recruit from a different source and reach a broader demographic of participants. Regardless of the exact path I choose to take from here, the key is to focus on what the requirements would be for the ultra-private, data-secure social network that users would value.

    A few parting words

    Discovery research helps us learn more about the users we want to help and the problems they need a solution for. It doesn’t have to be expensive either, and it definitely isn’t something that should be omitted from the development cycle. By starting with a problem hypothesis and conducting multiple rounds of research, we can ultimately save time and money. We can move from gut instincts and personal experiences to a tested hypothesis. And when it comes time to launch, we’ll know it’s from a solid foundation of research-backed understanding.

    Recommended reading

    If you’re testing the waters on a new idea and want to jump into some (budget-friendly) discovery research, here are some additional resources to help you along:



  • The Problem with Patterns

    It started off as an honest problem with a brilliant solution. As the ways we use the web continue to grow and evolve, we, as its well-intentioned makers and stewards, needed something better than making simple collections of pages over and over again.

    Design patterns, component libraries, or even style guides have become the norm for organizations big and small. Having reusable chunks of UI aids consistency and usability for users, and it lends familiarity and efficiency to designers. This in turn frees up designers’ time to focus on bigger problems, like solving for their users’ needs. In theory.

    The use of design patterns, regardless of their scope or complexity, should never stifle creativity or hold back design progress. In order to achieve what they promise, they should be adaptable, flexible, and scalable. A good design pattern is undeterred by context, and most importantly, is unobtrusive. Again, in theory.

    Before getting further into the weeds, let’s define what is meant by the term pattern here. You’re probably wondering what the difference is between all the different combinations of the same handful of words being used in the web community.

    Initially, design patterns were small pieces of a user interface, like buttons and error messages.

    Two styled buttons: one dark blue, one green
    Buttons and links from Co-op

    Design patterns go beyond the scope and function of a style guide, which deals more with documenting how something should look, feel, or work. Type scales, design principles, and writing style are usually found within the bounds of a style guide.

    More recently, the scope of design patterns has expanded as businesses and organizations look to work more efficiently and consistently, especially if it involves a group or family of products and services. Collections of design patterns are then commonly used to create reusable components of a larger scope, such as account sign-up, purchase checkout, or search. This is most often known as the component library.

    A simple wireframe with tabbed content
    Tabs from BBC Global Experience Language (GEL)

    The final evolution of all these is known as a design system (or a design language). This encompasses the comprehensive set of design standards, documentation, and principles. It includes the design patterns and components to achieve those standards and adhere to those principles. More often than not, a design system is still used day-to-day by designers for its design patterns or components.

    The service design pattern

    A significant reason why designing for the web has irrevocably changed like this is due to the fact that more and more products and services live on it. This is why service design is becoming much more widely valued and sought after in the industry.

    Service patterns—unlike all of the above patterns, which focus on relatively small and compartmentalized parts of a UI—go above and beyond. They aim to incorporate an entire task or chunk of a user’s journey. For example, a credit card application can be represented by some design patterns or components, but the process of submitting an application to obtain a credit card is a service pattern.

    A simple page layout from Gov.uk
    Pattern for GOV.UK start pages

    If thinking in terms of an analogy like atomic design, service patterns don’t fit any one category (atoms, molecules, organisms, etc). For example, a design pattern for a form can be described as a molecule. It does one thing and does it well. This is the beauty of a good design pattern—it can be taken without context and used effectively across a variety of situations.

    Service design patterns attempt to combine the goals of both design patterns and components by creating a reusable task. In theory.

    So, what’s the problem?

    The design process is undervalued

    Most obvious misuses of patterns are easy to avoid with good documentation, but do patterns actually result in better-designed products and services?

    Having a library of design components can sometimes give the impression that all the design work has been completed. Designers or developers can revert to using a library as clip art to create “off-the-shelf” solutions. Projects move quickly into development.

    Although patterns do help teams hesitate less and build things in shorter amounts of time, it is how and why a group of patterns and components are stitched together that results in great design.

    For example, when designing digital forms, using button and input fields patterns will improve familiarity and consistency, without a doubt. However, there is no magic formula for the order in which questions on a form should be presented or for how to word them. To best solve for a user’s needs, an understanding of their goals and constraints is essential.

    Patterns can even cause harm without considering a user’s context and the bearing it may have on their decision-making process.

    For example, if a user will likely be filling out a form under stress (this can be anything from using a weak connection, to holding a mobile phone with one hand, to being in a busy airport), an interface should prioritize minimizing cognitive load over the number of steps or clicks needed to complete it. This decision architecture cannot be predetermined using patterns.

    A simple wireframe showing a multi-step form
    Break up tasks into multiple steps to reduce cognitive load

    Patterns don’t start with user needs

    Components and service patterns have a tendency to serve the needs of the business or organization, not the user.

    Pattern Service User need Organization need
    Apply for something Get a fishing license Enjoy the outdoors Keep rivers clean; generate income
    Apply for something Apply for a work visa Work in a different country Check eligibility
    Create an account Online bank account Save money Security; fraud prevention
    Create an account Join a gym Lose weight Capture customer information
    Register Register to vote Make my voice heard Check eligibility
    Register Online shopping Find my order Security; marketing

    If you are simply designing a way to apply for a work visa, having form field and button patterns is very useful. But any meaningful testing sessions with users will speak to how confident they felt in obtaining the necessary documents to work abroad, not if they could simply locate a “submit” button.

    User needs are conflated with one another

    Patterns are also sometimes a result of grouping together user needs, essentially creating a set of fictional users that in reality do not exist. Users usually have one goal that they want to achieve efficiently and effectively. Assembling a group of user needs can result in a complex system trying to be everything to everyone.

    For example, when creating a design pattern for registering users to a service across a large organization, the challenge can very quickly move from:

    “How can I check the progress of my application?”
    “Can I update or change my delivery address?”
    “Can I quickly repeat or renew an application?”


    “How can we get all the details we need from users to allow them to register for an account?”

    The individual user needs are forgotten and replaced with a combined assumed need to “register for an account” in order to “view a dashboard.” In this case, the original problem has even been adapted to suit the design pattern instead of the other way around.

    Outcomes are valued over context

    Even if they claim to address user context, the success of a service pattern might still be measured through an end result, output, or outcome. Situations, reactions, and emotions are still overlooked.

    Take mass transit, for example. When the desired outcome is to get from Point A to Point B, we may find that a large number of users need to get there quickly, especially if they’re headed home from work. But we cannot infer from this need that the most important goal of transportation is speed. Someone traveling alone at night or in unfamiliar surroundings may place greater importance on safety or need more guidance and reassurance from the service.

    Sometimes, service patterns cannot solve complex human problems like these. More often than not, an over-reliance on outcome-focused service patterns just defeats the purpose of building any empathy during the design process.

    For example, date pickers tend to follow a similar pattern across multiple sectors, including transport, leisure, and healthcare. Widely-used patterns like this are intuitive and familiar to most users.

    Three screenshots of similar-looking date finder tools

    This does not mean that the same date picker pattern can be used seamlessly in any service. If a user is trying to book an emergency doctor appointment, the same patterns seen above are suddenly much less effective. Being presented with a full calendar of options is no longer helpful because choice is no longer the most valuable aspect of the service. The user needs to quickly see the first available appointment with minimal choices or distractions.

    Two screenshots: the first is a traditional date picker, the second is a simplified interface for finding an appointment

    Digital by default

    Because patterns are built for reuse, they sometimes encourage us to use them without much question, particularly assuming that digital technology is the solution.

    A service encompasses everything a user needs to complete their goal. By understanding the user’s entire journey, we start to uncover their motivations and can begin to think about new, potentially non-digital ways to solve their problems.

    For example, the Canadian Immigration Service receives more than 5.2 million inquiries a year by email or phone from people looking for information about applications.

    One of the most common reasons behind the complaints was the time it took to complete an application over the phone. Instead of just taking this data and speeding up the process with a digital form, the product team focused on understanding the service’s users and their reasons behind their reactions and behaviors.

    For example, calls received were often bad-tempered, despite callers being greeted by a recorded message informing them of the length of time it could take to process an application, and advising them against verbally abusing the staff.

    The team found that users were actually more concerned with the lack of information than they were with the length of time it took to process their application. They felt confused, lost, and clueless about the immigration process. They were worried they had missed an email or letter in the mail asking for missing documentation.

    In response to this, the team decided to change the call center’s greeting, setting the tone to a more positive and supportive one. Call staff also received additional training and began responding to questions even if the application had not reached its standard processing time.

    The team made sure to not define the effectiveness of the design by how short new calls were. Although the handling time for each call went up by 16 percent, follow-up calls dropped by a whopping 30 percent in fewer than eight weeks, freeing up immigration agents’ time to provide better quality information to callers.

    Alternatives to patterns

    As the needs of every user are unique, every service is also unique. To design a successful service you need to have an in-depth understanding of its users, their motivations, their goals, and their situations. While there are numerous methodologies to achieve this, a few key ones follow:

    Framing the problem

    Use research or discovery phases to unearth the real issues with the existing service or process. Contextual research sessions can help create a deeper understanding of users, which helps to ensure that the root cause of a problem is being addressed, not just the symptoms.

    Journey maps

    Journey maps are used to create a visual representation of a service through the eyes of the user. Each step a user takes is recorded against a timeline along with a series of details including:

    • how the user interacts with the service;
    • how the service interacts with the user;
    • the medium of communication;
    • the user’s emotions;
    • and service pain points.

    Service teams, not product teams

    Setting up specialist pattern or product teams creates a disconnect with users. There may be common parts to user journeys, such as sign-up or on-boarding, but having specialist design teams will ultimately not help an organization meet user (and therefore business) needs. Teams should consider taking an end-to-end, service approach.

    Yes No
    Mortgage service Registration; Application
    Passports service Registration; Application
    Tax-return service Registration; Submit Information

    Assign design teams to a full service rather than discrete parts of it

    Be open and inclusive

    Anyone on a wider team should be able to contribute to or suggest improvements to a design system or component library. If applicable, people should also be able to prune away patterns that are unnecessary or ineffective. This enables patterns to grow and develop in the most fruitful way.

    Open-sourcing pattern libraries, like the ones managed by a11yproject.com or WordPress.org, is a good way to keep structure and process in place while still allowing people to contribute. The transparent and direct review process characteristic of the open-source spirit can also help reduce friction.

    Across larger organizations, this can be harder to manage, and the time commitment can contradict the intended benefits. Still, some libraries, such as the Carbon Design System, exist and are open to suggestions and feedback.

    In summary

    A design pattern library can range from being thorough, trying to cover all the bases, to politely broad, so as to not step on the toes of a design team. But patterns should never sacrifice user context for efficiency and consistency. They should reinforce the importance of the design process while helping an organization think more broadly about its users’ needs and its own goals. Real-world problems rarely are solved with out-of-the-box solutions. Even in service design.

  • Orchestrating Experiences

    A note from the editors: It’s our pleasure to share this excerpt from Chapter 2 (“Pinning Down Touchpoints”) of Orchestrating Experiences: Collaborative Design for Complexity by Chris Risdon and Patrick Quattlebaum, available now from Rosenfeld Media.

    If you embrace the recommended collaborative approaches in your sense-making activities, you and your colleagues should build good momentum toward creating better and valuable end-to-end experiences. In fact, the urge to jump into solution mode will be tempting. Take a deep breath: you have a little more work to do. To ensure that your new insights translate into the right actions, you must collectively define what is good and hold one another accountable for aligning with it.

    Good, in this context, means the ideas and solutions that you commit to reflect your customers’ needs and context while achieving organizational objectives. It also means that each touchpoint harmonizes with others as part of an orchestrated system. Defining good, in this way, provides common constraints to reduce arbitrary decisions and nudge everyone in the same direction.

    How do you align an organization to work collectively toward the same good? Start with some common guidelines called experience principles.

    A Common DNA

    Experience principles are a set of guidelines that an organization commits to and follows from strategy through delivery to produce mutually beneficial and differentiated customer experiences. Experience principles represent the alignment of brand aspirations and customer needs, and they are derived from understanding your customers. In action, they help teams own their part (e.g., a product, touchpoint, or channel) while supporting consistency and continuity in the end-to-end experience. Figure 6.1 presents an example of a set of experience principles.

    Seven example experience principles: Timeliness, Shaping, Fluidity, Empowerment, Flexibility, Bonding, and Specificity
    Figure 6.1: Example set of experience principles. Courtesy of Adaptive Path

    Experience principles are not detailed standards that everyone must obey to the letter. Standards tend to produce a rigid system, which curbs innovation and creativity. In contrast, experience principles inform the many decisions required to define what experiences your product or service should create and how to design for individual, yet connected, moments. They communicate in a few memorable phrases the organizational wisdom for how to meet customers’ needs consistently and effectively. For example, look at the following:

    • Paint me a picture.
    • Have my back.
    • Set my expectations.
    • Be one step ahead of me.
    • Respect my time.
    Experience Principles vs Design Principles
    Orchestrating experiences is a team sport. Many roles contribute to defining, designing, and delivering products and services that result in customer experiences. For this reason, the label experience—rather than design—reflects the value of principles better that inform and guide the organization. Experience principles are outcome oriented; design principles are process oriented. Everyone should follow and buy into them, not just designers.
    Patrick Quattlebaum

    Experience principles are grounded in customer needs, and they keep collaborators focused on the why, what, and how of engaging people through products and services. They keep critical insights and intentions top of mind, such as the following:

    • Mental Models: How part of an experience can help people have a better understanding, or how it should conform to their mental model.
    • Emotions: How part of an experience should support the customer emotionally, or directly address their motivations.
    • Behaviors: How part of an experience should enable someone to do something they set out to do better.
    • Target: The characteristics to which an experience should adhere.
    • Impact: The outcomes and qualities an experience should engender in the user or customer.
    Focusing on Needs to Differentiate
    Many universal or heuristic principles exist to guide design work. There are visual design principles, interaction design principles, user experience principles, and any number of domain principles that can help define the best practices you apply in your design process. These are lessons learned over time that have a broader application and can be relied on consistently to inform your work across even disparate projects.

    It’s important to reinforce that experience principles specific to your customers’ needs provide contextual guidelines for strategy and design decisions. They help everyone focus on what’s appropriate to specific customers with a unique set of needs, and your product or service can differentiate itself by staying true to these principles. Experience principles shouldn’t compete with best practices or universal principles, but they should be honored as critical inputs for ensuring that your organization’s specific value propositions are met.
    Chris Risdon

    Playing Together

    Earlier, we compared channels and touchpoints to instruments and notes played by an orchestra, but in the case of experience principles, it’s more like jazz. While each member of a jazz ensemble is given plenty of room to improvise, all players understand the common context in which they are performing and carefully listen and respond to one another (see Figure 6.2). They know the standards of the genre backward and forward, and this knowledge allows them to be creative individually while collectively playing the same tune.

    A jazz ensemble plays music
    Figure 6.2: Jazz ensembles depend upon a common foundation to inspire improvisation while working together to form a holistic work of art. Photo by Roland Godefroy, License

    Experience principles provide structure and guidelines that connect collaborators while giving them room to be innovative. As with a time signature, they ensure alignment. Similar to a melody, they provide a foundation that encourages supportive harmony. Like musical style, experience principles provide boundaries for what fits and what doesn’t.

    Experience principles challenge a common issue in organizations: isolated soloists playing their own tune to the detriment of the whole ensemble. While still leaving plenty of room for individual improvisation, they ask a bunch of solo acts to be part of the band. This structure provides a foundation for continuity in the resulting customer journey, but doesn’t overengineer consistency and predictability, which might prevent delight and differentiation. Stressing this balance of designing the whole while distributing effort and ownership is a critical stance to take to engender cross-functional buy-in.

    To get broad acceptance of your experience principles, you must help your colleagues and your leadership see their value. You will need to craft value propositions for your different stakeholders, educate the stakeholders on how to use experience principles, and pilot the experience principles to show how they are used in action. This typically requires crafting specific value propositions and education materials for different stakeholders to gain broad support and adoption. Piloting your experience principals on a project can also help others understand their tactical use. When approaching each stakeholder, consider these common values:

    • Defining good: While different channels and media have their specific best practices, experience principles provide a common set of criteria that can be applied across an entire end-to-end experience.
    • Decision-making filter: Throughout the process of determining what to do strategically and how to do it tactically, experience principles ensure that customers’ needs and desires are represented in the decision-making process.
    • Boundary constraints: Because these constraints represent the alignment of brand aspiration and customer desire, experience principles can filter out ideas or solutions that don’t reinforce this alignment.
    • Efficiency: Used consistently, experience principles reduce ambiguity and the resultant churn when determining what concepts should move forward and how to design them well.
    • Creativity inspiration: Experience principles are very effective in sparking new ideas with greater confidence that will map back to customer needs. (See Chapter 8, “Generating and Evaluating Ideas.”)
    • Quality control: Through the execution lifecycle, experience principles can be used to critique touchpoint designs (i.e., the parts) to ensure that they align to the greater experience (i.e., the whole).

    Pitching and educating aside, your best bet for creating good experience principles that get adopted is to avoid creating them in a black box. You don’t want to spring your experience principles on your colleagues as if they were commandments from above to follow blindly. Instead, work together to craft a set of principles that everyone can follow energetically.

    Identifying Draft Principles

    Your research into the lives and journeys of customers will produce a large number of insights. These insights are reflective. They capture people’s current experiences—such as, their met and unmet needs, how they frame the world, and their desired outcomes. To craft useful and appropriate experience principles, you must turn these insights inside out to project what future experiences should be.

    When You Can’t Do Research (Yet)
    If you lack strong customer insights (and the support or time to gather them), it’s still valuable to craft experience principles with your colleagues. The process of creating them provides insight into the various criteria that people are using to make decisions. It also sheds light on what your collaborators believe are the most important customer needs to meet. While not as sound as research-driven principles, your team can align around a set of guidelines to inform and critique your collective work—and then build the case for gathering insights for creating better experience principles.
    Patrick Quattlebaum

    From the Bottom Up

    The leap from insights to experience principles will take several iterations. While you may be able to rattle off a few candidates based on your research, it’s well worth the time to follow a more rigorous approach in which you work from the bottom (individual insights) to the top (a handful of well-crafted principles). Here’s how to get started:

    • Reassemble your facilitators and experience mappers, as they are closest to what you learned in your research.
    • Go back to the key insights that emerged from your discovery and research. These likely have been packaged in maps, models, research reports, or other artifacts. You can also go back to your raw data if needed.
    • Write each key insight on a sticky note. These will be used to spark a first pass at potential principles.
    • For each insight, have everyone take a pass individually at articulating a principle derived from just that insight. You can use sticky notes again or a quarter sheet of 8.5”’’x 11”’ (A6) template to give people a little more structure (see Figure 6.3).
    A hand with a pen writes notes with insights and corresponding principles
    Figure 6.3: A simple template to generate insight-level principles quickly.
    • At this stage, you should coach participants to avoid finding the perfect words or a pithy way to communicate a potential principle. Instead, focus on getting the core lesson learned from the insight and what advice you would give others to guide product or service decisions in the future. Table 6.1 shows a couple of examples of what a good first pass looks like.
    • At this stage, don’t be a wordsmith. Work quickly to reframe your insights from something you know (“Most people don’t want to…”) to what should be done to stay true to this insight (“Make it easy for people…”).
    • Work your way through all the insights until everyone has a principle for each one.
    Table 6.1: From insights to draft principles
    Insight Principle
    Most people don’t want to do their homework first. They want to get started and learn what they need to know when they need to know it. Make it easy for people to dive in and collect knowledge when it’s most relevant.
    Everyone believes their situation (financial, home, health) is unique and reflects their specific circumstances, even if it’s not true. Approach people as they see themselves: unique people in unique situations.

    Finding Patterns

    You now have a superset of individual principles from which a handful of experience principles will emerge. Your next step is to find the patterns within them. You can use affinity mapping to identify principles that speak to a similar theme or intent. As with any clustering activity, this may take a few iterations until you feel that you have mutually exclusive categories. You can do this in just a few steps:

    • Select someone to be a workshop participant to present the principles one by one, explaining the intent behind each one.
    • Cycle through the rest of the group, combining like principles and noting where principles conflict with one another. As you cluster, the dialogue the group has is as important as where the principles end up.
    • Once things settle down, you and your colleagues can take a first pass at articulating a principle for each cluster. A simple half sheet (8.5” x 4.25” or A5) template can give some structure to this step. Again, don’t get too precious with every word yet. (see Figure 6.4). Get the essence down so that you and others can understand and further refine it with the other principles.
    • You should end up with several mutually exclusive categories with a draft principle for each.

    Designing Principles as a System

    No experience principle is an island. Each should be understandable and useful on its own, but together your principles should form a system. Your principles should be complementary and reinforcing. They should be able to be applied across channels and throughout your product or service development process. See the following “Experience Principles Refinement Workshop” for tips on how to critique your principles to ensure that they work together as a complete whole.

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